
Introduction to Sashiko

July 21st, 10-4pm

Esker Foundation

During this day-long workshop, participants will explore ‘sash(i)ko,’ a rural hand stitching technique from Northern Japan. Working with traditional patterns and natural fabrics from Bird’s collection, participants will work on a stitch sampler alongside a centerpiece or wall hanging. All materials will be included. Participants must be over the age of 16.

To register


Artist talk

June 15th, 7-8pm

Esker Foundation

In this talk, Bird will discuss 1597; Harmonious Frequencies, an ongoing performance-based installation in the Esker Project Space. Bird is interested in performing slow building techniques with simple to no tools over a long duration of time. Her work explores the physical and mental effects of carrying out a repetitive process, the perception of time, and artisanship.

To register

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1597; Harmonious Frequencies

May 7-July 29

Very excited to be working out of the Esker Foundation Project space this summer. This is a performance-based piece that I'll be working on over 12 weeks. I will be opening the space to visitors on selected dates, stay tuned for more info!